Build healthy habits

You’re not going for perfection here. You may feel overwhelmed if you try to do all of these at once. Instead, try one new habit at a time and practice until it feels like a natural part of your day.

  • Create a consistent sleep schedule

  • Exercise regularly, whatever that looks like for you. Get those feel-good chemical endorphins flowing!

    • Walking your dog, going to the gym, playing pickup basketball, following a stretching routine video, jumping rope in your living room.

  • Connect with people who make you feel good – friends, family, mentors, teachers, teammates, coworkers.

  • Make healthy food and drink choices whenever possible. Try to limit excessive sugar, caffeine, and other substances that don’t fuel your body. Completely eliminating these might not seem reasonable or desirable, so start with reducing the amount at first.

Habit stacking

Habit stacking is a simple way to build new habits by adding them to things you already do every day so they're easier to remember and do.

For example, let’s say you want to move your body more. You know you watch your favorite Netflix show each night. You decide that for the first 10 minutes of your show, you will complete an easy stretching routine. This takes your existing habit (watching Netflix) and “stacks” a new, healthier habit on top of it. The idea is that since watching Netflix is already part of your routine, it will remind you to stretch.

The key is using habits you already have to trigger new ones.