Marijuana short-term effects

Marijuana can have immediate effects on your body and mind.

    • Nausea

    • Reduced inhibition

    • Relaxation and drowsiness

    • Restlessness and agitation

    • Anxiety and panic attacks

    • Memory impairment

    • Confusion, delusions, and, in rare cases, hallucinations

    • Impaired judgment

    • Reduced coordination

    • Increased appetite

    • Increased heart rate and blood pressure

    • Acute psychosis, including paranoia

    • Dry mouth and red eyes

    • Altered perception, making time feel slower or faster

    • Euphoria or relaxation, but sometimes anxiety or paranoia

    • Short-term memory problems and difficulty focusing

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), cannabis-involved emergency department visits among young persons under age 25 increased during the COVID-19 pandemic and remain above pre-pandemic levels.